Build Back Better Regional Challenge Technical Assistance
Client: EDA
Partners: America Achieves
Services: Real Estate Advisory Services, Stakeholder Engagement
Project Type: Transportation & Infrastructure, Economic Development

Revitalization of at-Risk Areas in Turkey
Client: The World Bank
Partners: Turkish Ministry of Urbanization
Services: Real Estate Advisory Services
Project Type: Infrastructure, Climate Change & Resiliency

East Midtown Waterfront Esplanade*
Client: NYCEDC
Services: Real Estate Advisory Services, Stakeholder Engagement
Project Type: Social Infrastructure, Transportation & Infrastructure

Hunter’s Point South Mixed-Use Development, Open Space & Public Art*
Client: NYCEDC
Services: Real Estate Advisory Services, Stakeholder Engagement, , Cultural Planning & Creative Placemaking
Project Type: Social Infrastructure, Transportation & Infrastructure

Downtown Far Rockaway Rezoning*
Client: NYCEDC
Partners: HR+A & Beyer, Blinder & Belle
Services: Real Estate Advisory Services, Stakeholder Engagement
Project Type: Social Infrastructure, Transportation & Infrastructure
Sunnyside Yard*
Client: NYCEDC
Partners: HR+A, PAU, FX Collaborative, WSP, HNTB, Thornton Tomasetti & more
Services: Real Estate Advisory Services, Stakeholder Engagement
Project Type: Transportation & Infrastructure

Suburban Rail Loop
Client: Suburban Rail Loop Authority
Partners: PwC
Services: Real Estate Advisory Services, Stakeholder Engagement
Project Type: Transportation & Infrastructure, Social Infrastructure

Public Housing Disposition Strategies
Client: Richmond Land, Housing Authority of the County of Contra Costa, San Francisco Foundation
Partners: Beth Altshuler-Munoz
Services: Real Estate Advisory Services, Stakeholder Engagement
Project Type: Neighborhood Planning & Economic Development

Reform Regional Planning & Approvals Process
Client: Confidential Regional Planning Authority in Australia
Partners: Sayers
Services: Real Estate Advisory Services, Stakeholder Engagement
Project Type: Neighborhood Planning & Economic Development